Opportunities to Earn

Stop wasting time and start earning by watching, sharing, and liking the videos you enjoy


A range of opportunities for you to earn online

Do you like watching videos on social media platforms? You can win rewards for just doing that and a few more easy tasks like sharing, liking, commenting, and referring these videos on your social media.

Do you like watching videos on social media platforms? You can win rewards for just doing that and a few more easy tasks like sharing, liking, commenting, and referring these videos on your social media.

Refer Friends

The more you refer your friends to join and like and share the posts or videos, the more you earn from our platform. Here, sharing is not only caring but earning too

Like Videos

Enjoying a video? Like it. Earn coins. The more likes you give, the more coins you earn & the more rewards you redeem. This will boost the confidence of content creators and you earn

Share Videos

Simply share some videos on your social media pllatforms and you can earn points for each video. With every video you share, you get some amount of coins.

Redeem Rewards

After accumulating these coins, you can redeem the rewards. We have two options for you, either redeem them in the form of coupons or cash as per your desire

By PulsePromote

Share & Earn

Sharing videos on social media and earning rewards for them has never been more accessible. Turn your online activity into benefits by applying this simple yet powerful way. Share the videos you enjoy with your friends and followers and earn rewards for the same. Each share on your social media or via other applications provides you some coins. Just a few clicks here and there, and you will start earning by sharing the content you enjoy. You surely share some videos that you like with your friends, why not start earning for doing that? It's a win-win.

Watching Videos

For people who love spending their time watching videos on YouTube and Instagram will now be able to earn while doing that. We will share videos with you that you like, watch those videos, and earn coins for every video. Earning coins that you can redeem later for doing something that you actually like without having to do anything extra for it, how amazing is that? No extra efforts, no need to get up, no work required, just watch the videos and get some coins for each one of them. This is an active means of income generation that we provide to you.

Refer & Earn

Sharing and watching the videos are not the only ways to earn rewards. You can also refer your friends and earn coins for each person that is added by you. Refer your friends to our platform and each id that is created for sharing, watching, liking, and commenting on these videos, you get reward for every id. Thus, the more people you refer to us, the more rewards you will receive. The number depends on how many you can bring in to this referral program. This is a viable option for those who want to supplement their earning by sharing compelling content.


Earn by Liking the Videos You Enjoy

There are so many videos that you find interesting and like them for free. We will share videos that will interest you and you can earn by simply watching and liking them as you usually do. Get coins for liking every video we share and redeem them later as coupons or money.

Opportunity to Earn by Giving One Minute

We provide you an opportunity to earn where you don't have to waste a lot of your time in performing a task. You watch a video we share in your free time and earn for that. You like the video, you earn. You share the video, you get some more coins. You comment on the video, you earn more coins. Commenting takes about a minute and every type of appreciating comment can help you earn a bit extra.

By clicking just a few times, you can generate extra income even if you have a tight schedule because watching videos is something that people do on a daily basis without realising that they can earn for doing just that. So, instead of letting it all go to waste, start earning for the basic things. Generating extra income is always favourable for everyone. Why not start today?



Let PulsePromote be Your Partner in Unlocking Your Full Potential

Referral program for all those users who want to earn by using social media. Like, share, comment, and watch the videos and posts on PulsePromote,
earn coins and redeem them in coupons. Check out all the details.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a watch time in all the YouTube videos that is counted. We provide rewards to people for watching the videos till a specific time-period to get that watch time covered.

You will be rewarded for every video that you share. Our program allows users to share as many videos as they like and we give them some coins for each video they are sharing depending on the count.

Referring your friends or followers is just another part of this earning program. If you want to earn more, all you have to do is get your friends and followers to be added to this program and with each id, you get rewards.