
Growing your business on one or all of the platforms of social media requires engaging audiences on social. If you have an engaging audience you’re good to go.

Of course if you are looking to know how social media helps to grow your business, you need to know about engaging your audience.

It is an important part of your strategy because if there are no people talking about your business online, it will not get the fame you want.

Social media has a great reach all around the world and any business can be highlighted from different corners of the world.

Before learning the tips and why is social media engagement improtant, let me give you a few statistics about the active users on social media platforms.

  1. YouTube – There are 2.7 billion active users of YouTube
  2. Facebook – Facebook has 2.9 billion active users worldwide and you can engage audience on Facebook page easily
  3. Twitter – About 528.3 million active users are there on Twitter
  4. Instagram – Currently, there are over 2.35 billion active users monthly

If we check the number of social media active users, there are about 4.9 billion users who are actively using social media platforms.

And YouTube has about 55.10% of this population.

Why is Engaging Audiences on Social Important for Your Business?

When audiences engage on your pages on social media, they can engage by doing various activities.

This type of engagement is basically a measure of all the interactions that your audience is giving on your social media platforms.


Popular types of interactions and engagement activities are liking a post, sharing, commenting on it.

But the activities are not limited to just these. There are a few more:

  • Sharing or Retweeting
  • Commenting
  • Liking
  • Growth of Audience or Followers
  • Mentions on post, stories
  • Click-throughs
  • Brand hashtags

These social media engagement activities provide you a great opportunity to expand your business.

But, what are the ways to increase this engagement? Let’s see

Note: If you are new to this industry and don’t know what to do, you can take help from a digital marketing agency. Learn how PulsePromote helps to grow your business and why you should avail their services.

Tip 1 – Introducing Your Team on Socials Works Wonders in Engagement

People love knowing about the people behind your business.

Highlight your team and see how engaging audiences on social get.


This is because people would like to be sure that you are not just a logo but a group of people working hard towards reaching your goals.

You can start by creating a series of your team members showcasing the type of work they do in your company.

Flaunt their talents by creating forms or surveys and asking them questions. Ask them what they wanted to be when they were a kid or what is off of their bucket list.

Make it fun while showcasing their talents and your brand will become more than just a faceless entity.

Tip 2 – Create Your Hashtags to Increase Social Media Engagement

Every brand must have its own branded hashtags.


Well, it is a good practice to have hashtags because these are what makes your brand trending.


Hashtags hold an important place while posting anything on social media.

When users search for something, these hashtags work as a keyword and show the best results.

If you create your branded hashtags and encourage your users to use them, your posts are more likely to reach your target audience.

This will have them interact with your content and increase their engagement.

Tip 3 – Show Your Culture to the Engaging Audiences on Social

Your audience should be able to see that your company is more than just a product or service provider.

Social media is the best place to show the culture of your company and how it is a great place to work.

Share the images, videos, posts, etc. of your events, outings, anywhere you go with your team.


This will interest your audience and they will realize that there is more to your company.

If your company is a great place to work and it interests your audience, this strategy will surely bring in more social media engagement.

Enticing more engagement is important as it highlights your brand even more and your followers and customer base increases.

Tip 4 – Post Instagram Stories to Keep Your Followers Updated

Instagram stories have a great impact on your audience.

They tend to watch stories more and when they find something interesting, they get attracted.


When you share a post on your Instagram page, add it to your story. Here are a few ways you can create curiosity amongst the users:

  • Share a post and add it to your story while slightly revealing it to the engaging audiences on social.
  • If there are any special releases, you can apply a countdown on it to excite the users. They will check your profile when the countdown is over.
  • Try using GIFs, stickers, stamps, etc. for making your stories unique and attractive.
  • Use relevant hashtags and branded hashtags so that those who don’t follow you can also see your stories.
  • Ask for people’s opinions via polls.

Make adding stories to your Instagram page an integral part of your strategy. This helps a lot in engaging your target audience.

Tip 5 – Add Images or Graphics Related to Your Content for Social Media Engagement

By adding images on your social media posts, you can make your brand, page, and content more compelling.

A lot of companies rely solely on the images on their social media to save time and ease of gaining followers.

However, you should be considerate of the posts that you are sharing are designed by professionals.

That’s because adding the wrong images or graphics could backfire. So, if you hire designers or work with digital marketing agencies like PulsePromote, your business will outshine all.

Now, last but not the least tip.

Tip 6 – Share Customer Reviews to Attract More Engaging Audiences on Social

The strongest means of having users trust you is by sharing the testimonials of your customers.

These reviews act as a proof of your product’s truthfulness and your brand’s honesty towards the customers.


Many people prefer taking a look at the reviews by a brand’s customers to make sure that they are trusting the right company for their services.

Thus, sharing real testimonials by your customers in the form of videos, posts, shorts, etc. can attract a lot of people.

They will start engaging with your brand by liking your posts, sharing them, commenting on them if there are any queries, or reaching out to you directly.


To get engaging audiences on social, you need to apply a few tips while creating a strategy. It helps in increasing your social media presence and you can generate leads on social media as well. This way, your customer-base only expands and so does your business.

For those who are new to this industry and are not aware of the actions that they should take, you can use the services of PulsePromote. Connect with their team and share your concerts, they can help with the best practices.



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