what is instagram marketing

It is not easy to understand what is Instagram marketing but with the right guidance, you will learn it in no time.

Here, we have come with some tips that you can use and apply in your marketing strategy to make it more effective.

But why use Instagram?

Why not?

You must have seen everyone using Instagram, watching reels, stories, sharing reels with you and others.

Almost every user spends their free time scrolling on Instagram and sharing stories or posts.

Now, why should a business not apply Instagram marketing best practices and use it for its benefit?

Don’t worry! We have an Instagram marketing strategy for small business and large business.

All the points that we are going to mention here can be applied by any size of business.

Instagram has over 2 billion active users monthly which makes it one of the most used social media platforms.

An application which was created for random snapshots and selfies, a place to hangout with friends online, has become a platform to grow business.

Instagram is like a goldmine for businesses to expand and get known digitally.

Note: If you are looking to set up base first, start with learning how to create effective Facebook marketing strategies.

What is Instagram Marketing And How Can it Be Used for Expansion?

This type of marketing is just a part of social media marketing that you do on Instagram. It means that you are using Instagram and its features to build a community and further promote your brand.

It requires you to create quality content, cohesive planning for that content, and engaging with your target audience or customers.


Now, If you don’t know, let me tell you, social media has about 5 billion users and Instagram is one of the most used platforms.

People want to know about Instagram marketing strategy for small business because it is also one of the most downloaded apps by the end of 2021.

As we read above, Instagram has over 2 billion active users out of which, 59% log in to their account on a daily basis.

Not just that, you can find diverse audience on Instagram and it also offers a lot of features like:

  • Posts
  • Stories
  • Highlights
  • Reels
  • Shopping
  • Paid Partnerships (Campaigns)

Let’s now learn the tricks.

Trick 1 – Set Your Marketing Goals Before Starting

To completely understand what is Instagram marketing, you first need to make a goal.

Ask yourself why you want to create a presence on Instagram in the first place.


What do you want?

Generate Leads? Build a community? Drive Organic Traffic?

What is your goal?

This is an essential step in your marketing strategy which also determines how much time you need to spend on Instagram.

You have to work for your goals, work for what you want to achieve.

Start following your favorite brands, pages, and even your competitors to check how they are marketing their products.

This proves to be a great practice.

Trick 2 – Instagram Marketing Strategy for Small Business Needs Optimization

When it comes to setting up your profile on Instagram, it is pretty straightforward.

You need to take care of a few details while creating your profile.

Note: Learn How to Increase Followers on Instagram for Business.

Before jumping onto content creation, ensure that your brand’s profile is fine-tuned to stand out.

Moreover, make sure that the following boxes are marked while creating a profile:

  • Change to Business Profile – Add a CTA button as well
  • Create Brand Hashtags – Encourage audience to use them
  • Add a Compelling Bio – Target audience will judge your profile
  • Upload Your Display Picture – For legitimacy

Trick 3 – What is Instagram Marketing Without Target Audience?


If you don’t know your target audience, your marketing strategies won’t work.

You should know your audience.

Who are you creating the content for?

What type of audience segment are you planning to target?

Understand the demographics of Instagram and your customer’s persona.


Align the two and create your content accordingly.

If you are creating content that speaks to your customers, something that they can relate to, they will get attracted to your page more.

They will come visit your page more often and may also go to your website.

An important thing in your Instagram marketing strategy for small business is that your content should be compelling to the audience.

But, if you don’t even know the persona you are targeting, how will you attract your audience?

Thus, make sure that you are fully aware of what your audience is looking for

What kind of pages they follow. Which type of posts or reels they share on their stories.

How are they inspired.

All of these questions are very important.

Trick 4 – Create a Content Strategy And Schedule Your Posts

Here, we are highlighting some very specific tips for you to apply while learning what is Instagram marketing:

  • Attractive Imagery: Post pictures that have a striking creative trademark, are authoritative, and are set according to a color or pattern theme.
  • Customer-Centric Pictures: Upload pictures that are centered around your audience. This means you should post content that is user-generated like showing off your satisfied customers, their reviews, etc.
  • Post Videos: Videos are the most shared content type which majority of the audience prefer watching.
  • Add Stories: Instagram stories also have a good reach rate and are popular. With stories, you just skip the line on your followers’ feed. Around 50% of users on Instagram purchase products or visit websites via stories.


Trick 5 – Consistent Content Posting in Instagram Marketing Strategy for Small Business

Posting randomly at any time is not helpful. You should schedule your posts, create a strategy, and then post your content. Following are some points you can use:

Create Interactive & Compelling Captions

While publishing every post, make sure they have a unique caption. Even the smallest details matter.

You can be as creative as you want and provide the most information about your content.

Add some of these points in your captions:

  • Add call-to-action
  • Show your personality
  • Use hashtags

Be Attentive of the Time & Frequency

While learning what is Instagram marketing strategy, you will also come to a point where you need to pay attention to the time and the frequency of your posts.

It is important to know when and how many times you should post on your page.

There is no need to post about 10-15 times daily, create less posts, set a time, and publish quality content.

Your engagement will boost up. Here is a quick analysis on global engagement.


Cross-Promotion on Other Socials

There are various social media platforms that you can use in an Instagram marketing strategy for small business.

If you want, you can do effective YouTube marketing, share your content on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

These are the best and most used socials that you can cross-promote your business on.

Many brands and businesses publish their content on one social media platform and share it across all other socials that they have accounts or pages on.

Being aware of the tricks to promote your videos on Instagram can work in your favor and promoting them all over social media is just cherry on the top.

Trick 6 – Learn What is Instagram Marketing by Engaging with Audience

Audience or customer engagement is a very important step that you need to add in your marketing strategy.


Without your audience trusting you entirely, you will not be able to hold them off for long.

If you engage with them by responding to their comments, their messages, resolving their queries, or engaging in discussions, they become confident.

Once your audience is confident enough that you will be there in times of queries, they start becoming loyal.

They will come to your business for anything they need.

Note: If you want an Instagram marketing strategy for small business by professionals, you can connect with the professionals’ team at PulsePromote. They are capable of creating a unique strategy for every type and size of business since every business is different. You just need to share your goals, requirements, and niche and they’ll get to work. In case you need any assistance, they will always be there to help you out!

Start Marketing Today

Even if you are a beginner and new at marketing, there is no need to worry! You can boost your brand’s online awareness with these simple tricks. Firstly, make sure you know what is Instagram marketing and then move forward. Without learning the basics, you will not be able to grow your business.

The tips and tricks mentioned above are useful in a marketing strategy, and you can apply them to start your online game.



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