
It is not only a suggestion by the experts of digital marketing, but an important part of the strategy to follow Instagram marketing best practices. Many business owners are getting their brands promoted on social media.

Instagram, being one of the most used social media platforms, is a great place to get your product in talking. You just need to know what is Instagram marketing and create the best strategies.

For that, you don’t have to worry if you are just beginning your journey. There is a professional team waiting to help you in every situation with their experience of 7+ years. PulsePromote helps business owners to promote their product/service on social media and explain the social media marketing benefits of YouTube in detail.

Their team works with the best practices for Instagram and applies them in their strategies. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram has become the hub for marketing businesses and promoting them.

The platform that once used to be a place for hanging out online has now become a platform to reach a target audience to promote brands. There have been many people who have become influencers and are doing well with the platform.

If they can, so can you! All you need to know is how. Let’s understand that!

Why Learn & Apply Instagram Marketing Best Practices?

The main advantages of Instagram over other social media platforms is that it is visual. If your business is related to fashion, cosmetics, or anything that can benefit from your product’s design, Instagram is the best platform.

Even if you have services that show a very noticeable end result, your business will boost once you start showcasing your content. Working according to the algorithms will take your brand into running and it will start becoming popular.


Videos, images, etc. are great content types for this platform but you need to follow the best practices for Instagram. The strategy that you create ultimately determines the type of content you should publish and when you should post it.

Before you start publishing content, you need to create a strategy to stay focused on your goals and target audience. Now, let’s check out the best practices.

Consistently Post High-Quality Content on Instagram

Visuals are basically everything on Instagram. Any random picture or poorly-designed graphics are not going to cut it on your page. You have to post high-quality content, images, and videos that make your product stand out and attract your audience.


Instagram marketing best practices only work if your page looks attractive enough, if your content speaks to your audience. You can make use of colors and apply filters on your images so that your audience wants to revisit your page.

This will not only look great on your profile but also provides a consistent look to your page. Your Instagram page should be calling to your audience so that they are encouraged to know more and keep coming back. Stick with color combinations and styles according to your brand persona.

Best Practices for Instagram Consist of Staying Updated

Instagram’s algorithms keep on changing from time-to-time and it is absolutely important to stay updated with all these changes. Staying on top of latest trends and features will give you the foresight and you can leverage these changes.


There are various content options added like IGTV, Reels, Instagram Shopping etc. These features can be used by the brands to keep their audience engaged and drive conversions. Along with that, there are existing features that have been enhanced like augmented reality features on Insta stories.

Know Your Audiences’ Needs in Instagram Marketing Best Practices

Even if your audience is not able to explicitly express their thoughts, their behaviors will tell you a lot about their needs. Instagram provides the Insights features to check the analytics about your audience to see what kind of content they interact with.

Be sure about the content that your customers will find interesting with this feature. Guessing the type of content your customers would like is not going to help. Make sure that you understand what your audience really cares about.

This is one of the best practices for Instagram because once you are aware of the content that your customers like, you can create and post it accordingly.

These insights not only help you understand things, but also answer questions such as which type of content gets the most engagement, what approach is working best to get the audience to comment, etc.

If you are able to answer these questions, you can connect with your audience and post content that they like.

Publish Your Content At the Right Time to Reach Target Audience

Even though the algorithm is ever-changing, there is one thing that remains constant in the best practices for Instagram and that is the priority on engagement. Posting at any time does not do anything for the business.


If you post at the time when your audience is the most active, it will boost your visibility and engagement on Instagram. Your aim should be to post the content at the best time possible which is when the users are most active. These are the times when people are most likely to engage with your content.

Upon conducting a study, we saw that users engage the highest on Tuesdays and Wednesdays around 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Instagram marketing best practices state that these are the best days and the peak hours. However, the audience engagement also depends upon your niche.

This time also varies according to various other factors such as your location, the industry that you belong to, and how your target audience is behaving. Keep a track of their engagement, again using the Insights feature and see what time your audience is the most active at.

Start posting your content around that time and see what results you get.

Share Brand Stories As Best Practices for Instagram

Users love to know the background story of a brand that they are interested in. Share visuals about your brand, its background, how it started, what made you start it, who your employees are, how things work, etc.


Share the behind the scenes in your stories, reels, etc. and give a detailed but short introduction to your brand. Storytelling can make your brand leave a lasting impact on your audience. For that, you can also share customer stories and your employee’s experiences with your brand.

Instagram Marketing Best Practices – Using Trending Hashtags

Instagram works with hashtags and these are your best friends. With hashtags, your content can show up in search results if relevant hashtags are used in your content. Moreover, your posts can be found in the Explore pages of users who interact with similar content.


It is a great way to boost your content discovery by using relevant hashtags and making your brand visible. Use the hashtags in your niche and make the most of them, use industry-related hashtags to hone in on the perfect audience.

With the best practices for Instagram, you can pick the hashtags revolving around your brand or niche. Create your own hashtags and encourage your customers to use them in their posts. These will make your products or services more likely to be shared and seen by potential audiences.

Get in Touch With Influencers to Promote Your Services

Influencers have the ability to reach hundreds of thousands of users with their posts. These influencers can fuel your promotion efforts on Instagram. Influencer marketing holds a lot of power since these audiences are already familiar with the influencer’s work. And they trust them.


Professionals suggest this to be the one of Instagram marketing best practices because your audiences take these influencers’ recommendations seriously. This can result in a huge boost in your customer base and your brand can get in front of more new customers.

Make sure that when you partner with these influencers, you work with the people whose audience base does not overlap with your. Meaning, partner with only those who can reach your target audience, who can help build your influence in your industry.

Use Instagram for Promotion

There are plenty of social media platforms that you can use but since Instagram is regularly growing, you can use the Instagram marketing best practices to promote your brand. There are plenty of things that you can do in your marketing strategy to generate leads on Instagram and create a huge customer base.

Having all the tricks at your hand to expand your reach to the target audience can grow your brand with ease. However, knowing the best time to post, the type of content your audience likes, and other factors are a must to understand.


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