
Have you ever thought about how to promote your video on YouTube?

You must have thought about it a lot of times if you are a business owner.

In this digital world, most of the business owners prefer to promote their brand and generate leads on social media platforms as well.

YouTube, being the second largest search engine (first being Google) has a huge user base.

You can take advantage of this user base by promoting your videos on this platform.

But, how can you do so?

What are the ways?

What things do you require for that?

There are a lot of things to do while promoting videos on YouTube.

We are here with the list of all the things and will also be explaining the points.

Moreover, we will share information about a digital marketing agency, PulsePromote, that does the same for their clients.

If you are looking for quick results, they will be your partner and work according to your needs and also promote your video on Instagram.

Read all the points carefully and also learn why YouTube is important for business.

First, we will understand the benefits of using this platform and unpaid promotions.

Unpaid Strategies on How to Promote Your Video on YouTube Are Beneficial

If you are a startup or even if you are an established organization, using unpaid promotions is the best way to get organic traffic.


There are paid promotions as well wherein you pay for running campaigns or ads about your website. However, not every business or brand can afford to do that and these do not last long.

So, here are the benefits of unpaid promotions:

  • Free of cost: The best part about unpaid promotions is that it’s free. If you are promoting videos on YouTube organically, you get 100% ROI as you are not investing anything in sponsorships or ads.
  • More Authentic: If your content doesn’t have any aim for commercial gains, your videos come across as genuine and the audience can trust them. They know that you are creating videos for expressing.
  • Long-Lasting: The traffic that comes your way through your videos is coming because they are interested in your content. This increases your domain authority and they become loyal to your brand. They prefer staying if you keep engaging with them.

These are the benefits of learning how to promote your video on YouTube organically.

Professional Way of Promoting Your Videos and Getting More Leads

There are many ways that you can use but the professional way is always the best.

With PulsePromote, you will be able to get more visibility and awareness for your brand as they have a team of experts.

All you need to do is provide the content (your videos) to PulsePromote and their team will start promoting them.

The videos are posted on their social media accounts like promote your video on Facebook and Instagram with the correct strategy so you receive organic traffic.

Connect with them for the best promotional services and effective YouTube strategy.

Promoting Videos on YouTube by Creating Keyword-Centric Titles

Your videos should have titles that have the right set of keywords and are making sense. Stuffing keywords in your title will also not work since the title should be sensible too.

Using relevant keywords can educate your audience and the algorithms of YouTube about your video’s subject.


Optimizing your keyword titles is important because these videos also show up in the Google search results.

Think about YouTube videos like you think about other types of content since Google shows a lot of YouTube results.

Adding Relevant Tags Can Help You Learn How to Promote Your Video on YouTube

Once you are done with your title, you are supposed to add tags.

These tags should be in relevance to your video.


Along with your title and description, the tags should be able to capture the objective of your video.

In YouTube boost, tags play a huge role and by using the trending tags or keywords, your video will appear in the relevant searches.

Thus, make sure to add trending keywords and tags that can be shown in relevant searches and connect with the viewers.

Ensure That You Constantly Work on Your Video’s Content & Make it Relevant

Promoting videos on YouTube can only be done if they are engaging and share valuable content.

Only then your content will start promoting. There are a lot of options for video content available that you can use to provide value to your YouTube audience.

Firstly, you have to make sure that your content resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand.

If you create and upload videos that are educating and provide information about your service, product, or brand, these will keep your audience engaged.

Here are some ideas on how to promote your video on YouTube:

  • Try creating some videos on How to keywords or Tutorials
  • Give out reviews on your product or create Demo Videos
  • Publish videos with Webinars or answering a few questions
  • Create Behind-the-scenes videos as they are interesting

Using these ideas for your videos and creating such engaging content can give your videos a boost.

If your viewers feel that your content is worthwhile, they will come back to your channel for more and move to your website as well.

This will increase the number of users on your channel as well the traffic on your website.

With the Help of Videos Cards, Start Promoting Videos on YouTube

Video cards are highly popular in optimizing your videos on YouTube that you can use for promoting your videos.


These cards have links to other videos on your channel within your currently playing video.

With these, you can:

  • Boost more of your video content
  • Raise the number of your subscribers
  • Encourage users to vote in a poll and get more traffic and engagement

You can also check the analytics of YouTube to see when people drop off from watching your video.

And add the cards before that time strategically.

How to Promote Your Video on YouTube by Creating a Playlist?

Creating a playlist can keep your audience engaged more than other ways in one sitting. As soon as your video finishes playing, the next one automatically starts.


These compilations are pretty addictive.

Playlists can be a very useful way to increase the visibility of your videos. The videos in your playlists are more likely to be shown under the Suggested Videos section.

Moreover, these titles are the best place to add trending keywords.

Establishing Your Niche and Leading Them to Your Channel

Promoting videos on YouTube as an authority is one thing, but being a part of your specific community is important.

You can post comments on other channel’s videos to guide or criticize.

Also, if there is anything that is missing from that specific video, you can connect that in your content to provide more information.

Try to be more supportive and you will get additional users.

This leads to additional subscriptions and eventually, your views increase too leading them to your website.

To Summarize

There are only so many ways that you can use to learn how to promote your videos on YouTube. The most important ones are shared above, more of these include paid promotions, running paid campaigns, adding end screens, hosting famous influencers, etc. If you want, you can also make use of these tactics, however, the most proven tricks are the ones mentioned above.

It will take time to grow views on your videos through organic practices. But once these views increase, you will see that they are long-lasting and stay with the channel for more time than paid results. You build a relationship with your audience in these strategies which is the best way to get more traffic and make them stick to your product or service.


1 Comment

  1. Effective YouTube Strategy - A Full-Fledged Marketing Guide
    October 18, 2023

    […] you get more into the marketing side, you can learn how to promote your videos on YouTube to gain more insights. For beginners, it is also great to connect with a digital marketing agency […]

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