Query: I have been applying a lot of tricks on my YouTube channel and yet, they are all going in vain. Why is my subscriber count not increasing even after making so many efforts? If there are any tips, please share. I want to grow my business.

Aforementioned is a query of one of our clients who reached out to us asking why they are not getting the subscriber count up. There are millions of channels on YouTube and so many of them are doing so good with thousands and millions of subscribers.

But at the same time, there are some channels who are not getting the results they expected. In order to get more subscribers on YouTube, you need to apply various tactics. And putting them to practice on a regular basis is what helps.

Having thousands of subscribers means you are getting traffic from more than half of those on your website. And for businesses, it is important to get organic traffic on their websites so that they have a good customer-base.

For those who are having trouble in increasing this number and are doing whatever they can, there may be certain things you are missing.

Some are mentioned below.

Why is My Subscriber Count Not Increasing Explained WIth Reasons

The major reason behind your subscribers to remain the same could be that you are not doing everything strategically. If you create a well-versed strategy after going through all the aspects of your business and its requirements and then implement it, with time, your channel will boom.

A few things to consider that you might be doing wrong or are not doing at all could be:

  • Make sure to keep the quality of your content high.
  • Be consistent in posting about your brand, product, or service.
  • If you don’t know your target audience, you will not get more subscribers on YouTube.
  • Don’t just publish your videos, work on the titles and create thumbnails. Are you doing that correctly?
  • In case you don’t know, SEO is very important for your videos, titles, descriptions, and channels.
  • Be engaging with your viewers to gain their confidence.
  • Promote your videos on other social media platforms.
  • Collaborate with influencers and analyze your channel via YouTube Analytics.

Let’s take a look at the tips now.

Create Content that Keeps Your Audience Engaged and Interested

Your content should speak to the audience if you want to increase YouTube subscribers. We all know that videos hit more than images do and people can relate to the videos in a better way. So, whatever type of videos you publish, shorts or full size videos, make sure your audience can connect with them.

Don’t forget to add visuals in your content so that it appeals to your audience. And add a great start to your videos so that it leaves curiosity amongst people and they watch your videos till the end.

Another important point, always use original content.

Get More Subscribers on YouTube by Publishing Videos Frequently

Everybody knows that publishing videos frequently helps in reaching out to more people and increasing subscribers. However, if nothing has been published in a long time, people would not want to subscribe to your channel.

According to studies, channels who publish more than once a week get more exposure than those who don’t. When a person subscribes to your channel, they get an email about you posting a new video and when they get this notification once a week, they would be interested in watching it.

Publish more than one video per week and see the change.

Why is My Subscriber Count Not Increasing Resolved by Optimization

You might think that optimization is only for articles and blogs. Well, if you want your videos to land on Google’s search page, you must optimize them. And not only should you optimize your videos, but your channel as well.

Write a description that briefly explains what your channel is about and make hashtags regarding your business.

Add keywords in your titles and descriptions and make sure you add them in your speech as well. Don’t forget to add tags in your videos if you want to get more subscribers on YouTube. Also, create a thumbnail that explains what your video is about and upload a transcript of your video.

Share High-Quality Videos and Add Subscriber Watermark

Another way would be to publish high-quality videos on your channel. This means that your videos should score a perfect 10 in every aspect. If the audio or video of your videos is not up to the mark, people will not engage with them.

Make professional videos while considering a few things:

  • Always record your video in a quiet atmosphere
  • Use good equipment for recording to answer why is my subscriber count not increasing
  • Set up a green screen
  • Record your videos in 1080p or higher resolution
  • Plan your video script ahead before filming
  • Accentuate some parts of your video with cuts and jumps
  • Stabilize your video recordings and shoot them horizontally
  • Use a good video editing software like Premiere Pro

After all of this work is done, make sure you review everything you have done and then publish the final piece.

Also, add a Subscriber watermark on your video. YouTube allows users to add one for reminding users to subscribe to your channel.

Engaging with Audience Can Increase YouTube Subscribers

Interacting with your audience is one of the best ways to show them that you care and it gives them a sense of gratification. Doing so makes them want to subscribe to your channel. If somebody watches your video, thank them for doing so.

Encourage people to comment on your videos and give feedback. If you get any negative feedback or criticism, learn from them and use them in your videos. Give rewards to the excellent comments and go live.

Let’s now move further.

Promote Videos on Other Platforms to Answer Why is My Subscriber Count Not Increasing

If you want to gain more subscribers, you need to promote your videos on other platforms as well. Meaning, you can share your videos on other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

In case you are only focused on YouTube, you can reach out to PulsePromote and avail their services. Their niche is to help businesses and brands make a presence online by sharing their videos on various social media platforms.

You just need to share your goals and they will get to work.

In a Nutshell

Those who have been asking the question “why is my subscriber count not increasing?” might be making efforts but are not getting any results. There are certain things that you might be missing while applying the tricks.

Everything has been mentioned in the article above including creating a strategy, all the things you should consider while doing so, and other tips. Using YouTube for brand awareness takes a bit of time so you need to be patient while implementing your strategy.


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